Export Permit & Certificate - Available Now!
Performs electronic trade declaration - creates and submits
import/export documentation to regulatory and controlling
agencies, i.e. the Australian Quarantine and Inspection
Service (AQIS).
Customs Export
Declaration - Available Now!
Enables exporters or their agents to lodge export
Applications to Australian Customs Services (ACS) and
receive export declaration number (EDN) where it can be
quoted to consolidators or carriers. It also enable users to
query the status of their other Customs Authority Number.
Electronic Health
Certificate - Available Now!
Allows Singapore Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA)
to receive health certificates electronically from the
Australia Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS) for meat
exported from Australia.
For Product Information and Subscription
Please Contact
Office Address
Ozdocs International Pty Ltd
Mailing Address: 4/7 Packard Avenue,
Castle Hill 2145
NSW, Australia
Tel: +61 (0)2 9899 2000
Fax: +61 (0)2 9659 5360
E-mail: help@ozdocs.com.au
Pre-Receival Advice - Available Now!
Enables exporters to obtain an electronic acceptance of their containerised cargo before the cargo reaches the
Export Document Preparation System - Available Now!
Enables exporters to prepare all export related documents at
one central place.
Certificate of Origin- Available Now!
Enables exporters or their agents to apply for their Certificate of Origin for below Chamber of Commerce:
Victorian Employer's Chamber
Arab Chamber
NSWBC Chamber
South Australian Business Chamber
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia
Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Australian Industry Group
Fremantle Chamber of Commerce
Bunbury Geographe Chamber of Commerce and Industry
CCIQ Chamber